Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Last week of classes; Finals next week

With the end of the semester a little more than a week away, I think every Suffolk student will agree; it's crunch time! Papers, exams and final projects need to be completed.

On a little side note, I had an interview with Hannah Grove, the CEO of Global Business at State Street Corp this past Monday. I am extremely fortunate for her to take the time out of her busy schedule to meet with me. (I have interned at a magazine, and next semester I will be at the restaurant, but I would really like to see what PR is like in the business world). She introduced me to the Public Relations director of State Street and I will be interviewing with her in January for a summer internship position.

All I want to do is dannceeee.... :)


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

He's making a list and checking it twice .....

Is it just me, or did Thanksgiving break fly by really fast? Can it really be December 2nd already?

Holiday season has officially arrived. I've created a Christmas playlist and it has been on repeat since the day after Thanksgiving :) You can call me a geek, but one of my favorite parts of the holiday season is watching all of the Christmas movies and shows on television. You know what I'm talking about; ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas, Elf, Polar Express, Santa Clause (1,2,3), and Lifetime's Fa La La La Lifetime.

The month of December is filled with so many fun events; tree lighting in Boston Common, Ugly sweater party with the ambassadors, Winter Ball, Urban Nutcracker with the girls, winter break, CHRISTMAS, and New Years Eve!!

But before I can enjoy the winter season, I need to finish some of my final projects, papers and finals for school. Focus Delia Focus!!!

Well I'm heading out to meet some prospective students.

Cheers to all !