Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Have you floated away yet?

With all of this rain, I'm surprised that we aren't all floating around in inflatable boats! Thankfully I live on Beacon Hill so I don't have to worry about flooding. My heart goes out to those families who are dealing with the aftermaths of the storm. Water damage is awful to deal with; where do you put the water, you have to carry, drain, or pump the water out, and it can become moldy if the area is not cleaned well.

On a positive note, I went running with my fellow Ambassador Haley the other day! What an amazing morning, despite the rain! She has been training for the Boston Marathon and helped me push myself to a total of 5 miles. I love to run, but lately I have been finding it hard to run outside. I enjoy working out in the morning because I start my day off in a good mood and that means I don't have to go to the gym later haha. Lately, I have also been eating really healthy. I was very health conscious when I was in high school, but you know what they say about college, sometimes you don't make the best food choices. I have been trying to prepare my meals ahead of time; taking lunch and planning for times when I know I want a snack. This helps me save money too because I am going food shopping rather than spending money on lunch and dinner everyday.

HOME THIS WEEKEND...ahh doesn't that sound wonderful. I am so excited to see my family and enjoy the beautiful weather they are predicting. Even though I do have a lot of work to do, I will be able to read/work outside in the nice weather.

Easter is this Sunday and you know what that means....Chocolate bunnies, decorating eggs with my little cousins, Spring time, and a BIG FEAST. Well I can't say too much about a feast because it doesn't have to be a holiday and my family members eat like kings haha. It is an extra treat because my Mom is having a big brunch for all of our family :)

Keep smiling, sunshine is on the way !

Cheers to all,

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